Our Products

Analysis Software

Understanding your results has gotten easier with the SPOT-it™ Analysis Software that visualizes data from qPCR result files obtained when using the SPOT- it™ Kits.

Analysis Software

Effortless visualization and insights for screening results

Get an user-friendly overview of data and results obtained from quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) instrument software, presented in an intuitive manner.

SPOT-it™ Analysis Software will analyse the results from the qPCR run file based on predefined quality control parameters and cutoff values for the targets in the SPOT-it™ Kits. The software will indicate if the run has passed the control parameters or not.

Each target of each sample will be analyzed and the sample will be classified as either Within Range, Out of Range or Inconclusive based on the specified parameters.


Analysis Software


Verify control parameters

Software automatically verifies that all control parameters are within acceptance range.


Flag samples

as Within Range, Out of Range or Inconclusive according to default or to custom set cutoff values.


Generate reports

Generate reports in pdf and txt. file format for LIMS integration.


Visualize trends

Perform trend analysis of previously analyzed and saved runs.


Use a barcode scanner

Software allows for the use of 2D barcode scanner to ensure accurate plate identification.


Get dedicated support

Experienced Application Specialist from ImmunoIVD will onboard and support you in the usage the SPOT-it™ Analysis Software.

Discover the entire laboratory procedure

Software supports
the screening workflow

Sample distribution

Distribute a 3.2 mm diameter punch from each Dried Blood Spot (DBS) sample into the SPOT-it™ Filter Plate.


Rinse Dried Blood Spots

Samples are rinsed and rehydrated to remove hemoglobin and other impurities.


Elution of the DNA

Transfer rinsed punches into the pre-filled Elution Plate using centrifugation and plate-stacking technology. DNA is then eluted by the heating process.


qPCR Amplification

Transfer the eluted DNA to the pre-filled qPCR Plate using centrifugation and plate-stacking technology; and launch the qPCR run.


Result Interpretation

Understand results rapidly by visualizing the data, and verify control parameters.

The software speeds up the process as it highlights the status of the run as well as the status of each sample, indicating whether it has passed the predefined quality control parameters and cutoff values for the targets.
Erna Domsgen, PhD

CEO at ImmunoIVD

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